Our Scottish Clans

See you Memorial Weekend Friday and Saturday 2025!
Clans have been gathering in Scotland for more than a thousand years. It was the foundation of Scottish life, where allegiances were forged, kinships strengthened, celebrations held, heroic sagas retold, and plans laid for the next series of battles. As the clans prospered, so did Scotland, even before there was a Scotland. The clan was paramount. The incredible bond of family within a clan spread throughout the world as the Scots explored and settled in regions far from their homeland, including in the Carolinas.

We still feel that strong bond with our kinfolk and with our larger “family” in South Carolina. It’s woven into our nature. We are so pleased to have clans from all over the country represented at our Games and we invite you to visit with them and perhaps find your own clan connection. Each clan has associated with it a number of other family names, called “septs,” which will be displayed at each clan tent. The clans representatives will be more than pleased to talk with you – that’s another characteristic we share with our Scottish cousins, it’s hard to STOP us from talking – and you may well find yourself with a set of new friends. Come out, join us and visit with these Clans that are recognized by the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs.

We look forward to seeing you at the Great Scot! Parade on Friday, May 23rd 2025 on Main Street in downtown Greenville, SC at 6pm and at the Games on Saturday, May 24th 2025 at Furman University.

For more information – please email us at [email protected]

2025 Registered Scottish Clans & Organizations

Elliot Clan Society (Honored Clan)

Clan Kennedy Society of North America

Clan MacLeod Society, USA

Clan Blair Society

Clan Donald USA

The House of Burnett

Clan MacDuff Society of America

Clan Douglas Society of North America

Clan Sutherland Society of North America

Clan Ross of the United States

Clan Scott Society

Clan MacIntosh of North America

Clan Marjoribanks Society

Clan MacLaren Society of North America

Clan Sinclair

Clan Wardlaw Association

Clan MacAlister Society

Clan Gunn Society of North America

Clan Leslie Society International

Clan Irwin Association

Clan Hamilton Society

Clan MacLachlan Society

Clan MacDougall Society of North America

Clan Fraser Society of North America

Clan Young Society

Clan Donnachaidh of the Carolinas

Clan Maclean Association in the US

House of Boyd Society

Clan Colquhoun International Society

Clan Henderson

Nesbitt/Nisbet Society of North America

Clan Lindsay USA

Clan Grant USA

House of Gordon

Clan Montgomery International

Clan Bell North America

House of MacAlpine

Clan Campbell Society North America

Murray Clan Society of North America

Clan Stewart Society in America

Clan Anderson Society

American Clan Gregor Society

Scottish – American Military Society Post 1775

Clanranald Trust for Scotland

Saint Andrew’s Society of Upper South Carolina