Click here to view our Sponsorship Guide.

Help us celebrate our Scottish heritage.


  • * Main field signage, dedicated online program page, branding in our marketing videos, TV & Radio ads andprint, Sponsor logo on each page of GSG website,
    * 20 VIP tickets and 10 VIP parking passes.
    * Sponsor logo on Athlete and Volunteer t-shirts.
    *Personal tour and meet & greet with our Games’ Dignitaries.

  • * Signage on Main Field or Main Stage. Dedicated branding in our online program and on our website.
    *10 VIP tickets and 5 VIP parking passes.

  • * Signage on Main Field or at entrance to Piping area. Dedicated branding in our online program and onour website.
    * 6 VIP tickets and 3 VIP parking passes.

  • *Signage in our Scottish Heritage area of the Games. Dedicated branding in our online program and on ourwebsite.
    * 4 VIP tickets and 2 VIP parking passes.

  • * Listing in our online program and on our website.
    *2 VIP tickets and 1 VIP parking pass annually for your lifetime. Individuals only, non-transferrable

  • * 1 VIP ticket and 1 VIP parking pass

It is a long journey each year to bring you one of the best Scottish Games in the land. Without the help of our sponsors – we couldn’t dedicate ourselves to this fine and entertaining task. We need and want your help. Please consider donating to the Greenville Scottish Games so that we can continue to promote and celebrate our love for our Scottish Heritage.

A grateful Board of Directors would like to than Benny and Nancy Walker for their continued support of the Games.

Lifetime Member = $2,500
Two VIP tickets and one VIP parking pass each year for the rest of your life.
Listing in our program.

Individual and Corporate contributions can also help support:

  • Great Scot! Parade
  • Wee Scotland for the kids
  • Our Military Tribute

We can market your brand through our cutting edge marketing plan.  The Greenville Scottish Games is a 501(c)3.  Any and all contributions to help us celebrate our Scottish Heritage are greatly appreciated. Through our marketing efforts, there are millions of ways to see the Greenville Scottish Games!

For More information – email us at [email protected]

Lifetime Members of the Greenville Scottish Games

David Adams
Claire Aiken
Scott M. Anderson
Waddy McFall & June Anderson III
George P. Apperson III
Mauldin and Caroline Avinger
R. Samuel and Kristen Bell
Lesley Moore and David Black
Phil T. Bradley
Mark Brafford
Father A. Charles Canon
Elizabeth Chambers
Scott M. Christopher
Bill and Pamela Clark
N. Hayward Clarkson III
Earl J. and Gale Crawford
William P. Crawford, Jr.
Lee and Michelle Cunningham
Dale Alan and Julie MacDonald Dangler
Jane W. Davis
John J. and Leslie MacDonald Donahue
Billy DuBose
David V. Duncan
Chris Edwards
Duncan Cairness Ely
Rick and Ingrid Erwin
George and Sarah Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Flowers III
Karen Floyd
Alan and Laura Foster
Frank Foster
Keller Freeman
Donna Gottschall
Beverly Griffin
R. Dean Harbert

Beth and Mark Harden
Anthony C. Harper
Doug Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Carol B. Hart Sr.
Gary Hester
A. Allen and Jana T. Hill
JB Holeman
Lachlan Hyatt
William and Anne R. Jameson Jr.
Suzanne and Whit Jordan
Tracy Kelly
Susan and Scott Kilgore
Sharon Kincaid-Wininger
Don and BJ Koonce
Bob and Lucy Krause
Margaret Lain
Dr. Wesley Lawton
Lucian Lee
Martha Louise and Lee Lewis
Keith and Bonnie Linse
Mr. and Mrs. Dean B. Livingston Jr.
George T. and Bonnie MacDonald
Ian R. and Lynn Sides MacDonald
Sam Maw
Thomas J. McAfee
Kevin McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Brown McCallum
B. James and Andrea McCallum
Mr. William McCrary, Jr.
Mary Earle McCraw
Dr. and Mrs. Robert McDaniel
Mary McDannald
D. Todd McDougal
Dr. Brenda McGregor
Michael A. McGregor
Katrina and Paul McKinnon
David and Ginny Milan
Thomas and Lynn Mitchell
Steve Navarro
Ben and Susan Norwood Jr.
Alexander Patrick

Mary Frances McLeod Patrick

Martha and Tracy Pellet
Judy Phillips
Kay and K. David Reid
James H. Robinson
Kathy Rogoff
Thomas M. Sears
Frank and Susan Shaw
Dr. Melvin and Lynn Sinclair Jr.
Joyce Smart
Jay Spivey
Erin St. Clair
J. Hamilton Stewart III
William Stuck
Hayward and Kay Sullivan
Shelly Thompson
Robert Young
Benny Walker
Michael A. White
Anne and Art Williams
Kathryn Williams
Ned Williams
Casey and Nicholas Williams
Rush Wilson III
Amelia and James (Jay) Rush Wilson IV
Ruth L. Wilson
Frank and Anne Workman
Patti Workman
Diane Smoke and Brad Wyche
Madison Baker Wyche III